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"Life is the Game but fishing is Serious"

Let me to start your fascinating fishing journey!

Catch And Release
Fishing Gear
Safety During Fishing
Rules On Board

The passionate pursuit of fishing


“Every day is a new day. It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready.”

― Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea


Keep Calm and Fish On

Fishing for me is not just a hobby, more like fascinating lifestyle in beautiful nature!

Trust Me to catch Your Valuable fish

On this site you can find some fishing offers – dedicated to your preferences. Don’t forget to ask me a few weeks before about the specific species of fish that are available in your destinated trip season.

I’m offering almost a whole year of fishing with me as your local fishing guide. It’s usually only because of weather conditions some plans can get changed, but creativity makes opportunity, so do not hesitate to contact me about your next perfect fishing holiday!

Year of Experience with Proffesional Guiding Services
Clients Pesonal Best Records

Each Fishing Spot Require Special Technique

Different locations needs the different technics and equipments

Some of the fishing gear is provided by me – check it out!

Winter Sea Coast Fishing

Swedish winter and early spring gives perfect oportunities to try your chances with silver sea trout on the shalow Baltic coast.

Lake Fishing from the Boat

Swedish lakes provides really big amount of different predators to catch from the boat.   

Join me to try your luck!

Sea Shore Fishing from the Boat

Fishing tour dedicated to beautiful sea pikes. 

Clear & shallow water gives you oportunity to see the pikes chasing the lure! 

Fishing for me is both an incredible sport and a primal connection between humans and nature. In the current, hectic world, filled with numerous responsibilities, urban stress, and information overload, we tend to forget about the natural beauty surrounding us.

Personally, I consider myself a very fortunate individual, thanks to the place I call home – southern Sweden, which offers many opportunities for fishing.

During winter, when temperatures are positive, one can head to the nearby coastal areas and try their luck with spinning or, more recently preferred by me, fly fishing, aiming to catch the resilient silver trout. It’s quite common to catch other fish like pike and white fish, and in the final phase of this four-month season, even ide and garfish. Fishing on the coastal areas of Blekinge or Skåne is not the easiest, but one can sacrifice a lot for a genuine, unforgettable adventure.

Late spring, summer, and autumn are mainly dedicated to boat fishing in the local lakes of the Skåne, Blekinge, and Kronoberg regions. The leading species in these fishing expeditions are zander, pike, and perch. Here, we combine fishing senses, knowledge, and electronics. In recent years, I’ve been fascinated by the latest live-view echo sounder solutions, which, besides locating fish, allow me to immerse myself in the wonderful underwater world and the magic of nature beneath the lake’s surface. Modern techniques have given me the opportunity to develop various aspects of predator fishing, for example day & night pelagic fishing, particularly concerning zander and pike fishing. These innovations help greatly in the precision of presenting lures using vertical (sharpshooting) and casting methods, but they don’t independently lure fish into the boat (as some unfortunately believe). The connection of angler, rod, reel, line, lure, and the potential predator fish at the end of this setup is still crucial.

In 2011, I founded my company named Piotrex photo & tourism, with the idea of combining photography with fishing. The initial years were mainly dedicated to developing photographic techniques, not always related to sports fishing. However, the last five years have simply exploded in what I truly feel and want to do in life. Therefore, the company name was transformed into a simple abbreviation – Pexfish. Today, I believe that my fishing photography is at a pretty good level. Nevertheless, I continue to evolve, and ongoing collaboration with many fishing magazines convinces me that I’m heading in the right direction.

In my case, the concept of a “fishing guide” has multi-level significance. A guide is not just a person baiting hooks, unhooking fish, or indicating the right fishing spot. In my belief, a good guide is primarily a mentor, an expert in the field, and an advisor in many aspects surrounding the entire fishing expedition. They advise, plan, and inspire at the same time… and in my case, they also take decent photos with the client’s trophy. The incredible joy accompanying the client’s success is so amazing and addictive that if my fishing health allows, I foresee a truly long career in this field.

Because all this fishing takes place in Sweden, it can be beneficial to know some Swedish phrases from the local wordbook. Here’s a list of “good to know” names for winter sea coast fishing: fiske (fishing), havsöring (sea trout), flugfiske (fly fishing), spinfiske (spin-rod fishing), kustfiske (fishing from the coast), havsöringsfiske (sea trout fishing). When it comes to boat fishing in the warmer period of the year, the list of words looks like: insjöfiske (lake fishing), gäddfiske (pike fishing), gösfiske (zander fishing), abborrefiske (perch fishing), fiskeguide (fishing guide), båtfiske (boat fishing), fisketur (fishing tour), vertikalfiske (sharpshooting).

As we all know, communication with locals is crucial when it comes to success on a fishing journey!
